Saturday, July 23, 2011

He Did Not Kick the Donkey

The Old Testament tells a story about the prophet Balaam.  He was on a misguided mission to curse someone when his donkey suddenly stopped on the road. No matter how hard the prophet kicked her, she would not budge.  Without the donkey, Balaam could not carry out his deed.  He proceeded to beat the donkey severely, apparently practicing the management style of ruling through fear and intimidation.  Finally, the donkey cried out, "Why are you beating me?  Haven't I served you faithfully all these years?"  An angel spoke to Balaam and said, "You fool, quit beating her.  Even she could see I was standing here. Your donkey just saved your life, for if you had carried out this mission you would have been killed.  In fact, I would have killed you and let the donkey live."  The angel then left, and I can just imagine Balaam kissing the donkey all the way back to the stable.

There is a fine line between knowing when opposition is God trying to show you another way or when it is just a test of courage.  If the passively opposing forces cause you to use violence to get them to move, you probably are not on God's path.  If you do everything you possibly can to get something to happen, and it doesn't, then an angel must be on the road somewhere, so don't beat the donkey.  Take a little time out, smell the flowers, and re-think your route... and your mission.

When the Roman guards came to arrest Jesus, Peter sprang to his defense and prepared to engage in massive violence.  He actually did cut off one of the guard's ear.  Here was a chance for Jesus to escape, but he knew that the Roman guard was part of the plan.  He did not kick the Roman "donkey." He knew it was time.

Bernie Siegel, M.S., shocks his cancer patients when he asks them, "Why did you need this illness?"  He claims our bodies break down to give us a message...and many times it is a message we have been ignoring.  According to Dr. Siegal, while nobody wants to be ill, many patients say that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to them.  They learned to appreciate life and to express their feeling to their loved ones.  They were able to pick up the paintbrush they previously had been too busy to hold. Even illness can be a blessing.

Flat tires that keep us from catching a plane...missed appointments that cause a project's delay...bankers who tell us no...all of these can be donkeys that are keeping us from endangering ourselves in ways we cannot see.

Many times when you feel farthest from the truth, you are very close to it. And when you think are on top of the world, you could be sitting in a vary dangerous place.

When the donkey you are riding suddenly refused to move, don't kick it.  Get off and look for the angel standing in the road.  That donkey might be saving your life! (They weren't given big ears for nothing).

Jesus did not kick the donkey.

Which circumstances in your life remind you most of the balking donkey?

When has a "balking donkey" actually protected you?

Reprint from Lauri Beth Jones