Wednesday, August 10, 2011

He Said, "Thank You"

Just before Jesus commanded Lazarus to rise, he thanked God for always hearing him.  In one of his final prayers, he thanked God for giving him Peter, John, James, Mary, Martha and the rest of his staff.  Jesus had a thankful heart.

Gratitude is a key element of leadership because gratitude means an open heart, a listening heart, a fairth-filled heart.  How could anyone be a leader without faith and gratitude in a Higher Power or have a better future built on better ways?

One of the most breathtaking sights in San Diego is sunset on the beach.  As the sun sinks slowly into the horizon, hundreds of seagulls stand and turn quietly to bid farewell.  Pelicans fly by in perfect formation, skimming just the top of the waves in their sunset salute.  On the bridge across from the beach, thousands of birds line up on the electrical wires, all sitting and facing the sun, saying good-bye to the day.  Perhaps they are also silently praying "Thank you, God for knowing and caring when even one of us falls.  Thank you, God, for declaring that even the sparrows shall be fed."

Jesus said, "Thank you."

Do you say thank you before you ask for something from God, from your boss, from your staff?

Do you realize that having a grateful heart my keep you from needing a transplanted one?

Jesus, CEO  Lauri Beth Jones

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