Wednesday, February 10, 2010

He Did Difficult Things

One definition of a professional is a person who does things even when she or he does not feel like doing them.  In other words, a professional is not blown about by the winds of the moment.  Professionals stay focused on the successful accomplishment of their mission, and do the difficult things.

Many charismatic and popular leaders get into trouble when they cease doing the difficult things in order to win approval or be liked.  Politicians who depend on opinion polls to determine their actions do not last very long as leaders.  Unfortunately, if you run your management program based on opinion polls or popularity contests, you will not last very long as a leader, either.  "The tendency of the masses is towards mediocrity," said Aldous Huxley, and opinion polls are a very poor source of vision.  Failing to do the difficult thing eventually will get you in trouble.

A once popular televangelist had charisma, a clearly popular product or service, and a tremendous following.  However, because he failed to assess and recognize the fiscal priorities and responsibilities, he wound up in jail.

Maintaining that connection with your own inner knowing is so important.  Doing the difficult things means not letting public opinion sway you from what your heart, gut, spirit, or instinct is telling you.

Peter tried to stop Jesus from going to Jerusalem.  He sensed danger there, and he was right.  However, Jesus knew it was part of a larger plan.  So, he "set his face towards Jerusalem," even knowing the consequences.

Perhaps the true mark of a leader is that he or she is willing to stand alone.  It must have been difficult for Jesus to say no to people.  The whole essence of his being seemed to say yes.  But he did say no.  He said no to the ambitious young man who wanted to follow him.  He said no to his mother when she was trying to  interrupt his teaching.  He said no to Judas about turning to politics.  He said no to temptations in the wilderness.  He said no, at times, to himself:  "No, I will not run from this.  I will drink the cup that is placed before me."

Leaders must have not only vision and communication skills but also tremendous personal resolve.  While leaders attract followers, at any moment they must be able to walk away from them, lest they become followers themselves.

Jesus did the difficult things.


1. What difficult things are your instincts, right now, telling you to do?

2. Are you willing to do them, even if it means standing alone?

(Taken from Jesus, CEO  Laurie Beth Jones)

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